The second workshop on Highly Informative Learning Analytics is all about automatic feedback generation. In this workshop, we interactively explore our process for designing methods and tools that enable such feedback generation and prospective use cases.
We show you, how you can develop learning and design methods, as well as specialized Data-enriched Learning Activities (DeLA) – tools that each implement a specific learning method. These collect data on learners activities and generate feedback, delivering a comprehensible interpretation of their collected data to the learners.
This is made possible through our design process in which we iterate through cycles of challenge identification, combination of best practices and LA-enabled course design, infrastructure and application realization, and research and analysis that enables us to assess indicators and deliver feedback on learning processes and products. That process is accompanied by our FoLA method/tool for LA-enabled course design, that we are going to explore with you as as well.

In this workshop, we investigate the concept of highly informative learning analytics. The workshop is thought of as a hands-on, interactive session. We plan to demonstrate the proposed LA cycle and allow the participants a hands-on experience. The workshop activities are divided as follows:
- Welcome and initial remarks
- A discussion of a representative task with the FoLA methodology. The participants are divided into groups, each group is given a FoLA board with which they need to design the learning session choosing among a set of available activities.
- Each group presents their resulting designed sessions with the chosen design elements.
- The groups engage in a discussion in which they map the chosen activities with a set of existing tools.
coffee break
- The participants explore some of our learning activities, like the collaborative whiteboard tool Hyperchalk and the Collaborative concept mapping tool.
- Discussion: How to define the right process data indicators from the learning activities
- A tour of the existing application use cases using the proposed process